Il 40% delle organizzazioni europee prevede di aumentare la spesa per servizi esterni

Da uno studio Gartner che esamina i trend dell’outsourcing, risulta che il 53% delle organizzazioni a livello mondiale prevede di aumentare la spesa per servizi It esterni: la ricerca mostra che le aziende che investono dal 50% al 75% del budget It in outsourcing sono in aumento. “Comunque, i risultati mostrano che la pressione del capitale e delle spese operative IT è ancora forte, e le organizzazioni europee si aspettano che i provider attuino ulteriori riduzioni di costo” dice Claudio Da Rold, vice president e analista di rilievo.

Pubblicato il 23 Set 2010

The online survey was conducted among 206 organisations in Europe during in the first quarter of 2010. The survey was directed at individuals who were involved in decision making on outsourcing and IT services in 2010.
The survey also showed that organisations of all sizes and with IT budgets of various magnitude are now showing an interest in outsourcing. It found that 14.7 per cent of organisations with IT budgets of less than €1 million expressed interest in outsourcing, which compares to only 6.1 per cent of organisations in this category in 2009.
In times of recession, organisations usually concentrate on cost cutting and optimisation, followed by a recovery period with a clear focus on business growth and operating competitively. In Europe, things appear to be more complex. Although respondents in Europe are still focusing on cost control when defining their goals for outsourcing and service provider relationships, they increasingly require access to resources and capabilities, flexibility and scalability. “This means that 2010 is bringing sourcing strategists in Europe a more complex set of business requirements that aren't easier to address,” said Mr Da Rold.
After a few years of continuously increasing interest in industrialised services based on alternative delivery models, such as software as a service (SaaS), cloud computing and infrastructure utility (IU), interest among European organisations has peaked, while adoption is on the rise. For example, SaaS and IUs’ implementations were up 6.1 per cent and 5.1 per cent in 2010, respectively.
“Organisations in Europe are expecting — or are in need of — growth, but they are also still highly cautious,” said Mr Da Rold. “Although we conducted this survey in the first quarter of 2010, before the start of the Greek financial crisis, we believe that the cautious expectation of growth will continue in Europe beyond 2010. Regardless of the future direction of the economy, European businesses and their service providers need to optimise their multisourced environments, while increasingly adopting industrialised IT services.”
Additional information is available in the Gartner report “Survey Analysis: Outsourcing and IT Services Priorities, Europe, 2010”.

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