Lundquist: Eni prima nella comunicazione online sulla Csr

Pubblicato il 27 Ott 2009


La società di comunicazione finanziaria Lundquist ha pubblicato i risultati dello studio Csr Online Awards ‘Global Leaders 2009’, ricerca globale sulla comunicazione online della Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa. Nello studio è stato valutato come 91 società quotate presenti nell’indice azionario Dow Jones Sustainability Index comunicano strategie e iniziative di Csr attraverso il sito web istituzionale. Eni, con 84.5 punti, vince la classifica globale seguita da Ubs (66.5 punti) e da Royal Dutch Shell (63.5).

Di seguito il testo (inglese) dell’abstract dei risultati della ricerca

Lundquist CSR Online Awards 2009: the best in online Crs communications from global leaders

Global leaders in sustainability fail to exploit potential of web for CSR communications. Eni, UBS and Shell stand out with best websites

Italian oil & gas company Eni wins the CSR Online Awards ‘Global Leaders 2009’, a ranking of the best online CSR communications from recognised global leaders in sustainability. Swiss bank UBS takes second place, followed by oil major Royal Dutch Shell in third. But few ‘CSR leaders’ go beyond communication of basic CSR information and most fail to make use of interactivity to engender dialogue. German and UK companies lead; US lags behind.

Milan, 22 October 2009 – The results of the CSR Online Awards ‘Global Leaders 2009’, a new study of online CSR communications conducted by communications consultancy Lundquist, have been published today by Dow Jones Newswires and Italian business daily Il Sole 24 ore, revealing how the world’s most sustainable companies fall short in communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the internet.
With the aim of stimulating debate about the importance of the web as a strategic tool for corporate responsibility, the study evaluated how well 91 members of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index use their corporate websites as a platform for CSR communication. Each website was assessed using a set of 76 evaluation criteria, drawn up on the basis of a survey conducted by Lundquist of 184 CSR professionals and sector experts from 30 different countries.
Most of the companies studied provide only a limited range of pertinent information online and fail to use the web to its full potential. The average score was 49.4 points out of 100: websites performed best in providing environmental information and CSR/sustainability reports. They were weakest at providing contact information, interactivity and CSR resources, news and events. In general, companies were stronger in online presentation (average score of 52%) than in CSR content (47%).
“We assessed recognised world leaders in CSR but didn’t find across-the-board excellence in online communication,” said James Osborne, head of CSR communication at Lundquist. “Many companies are stuck in an ‘offline’ mode of disclosure and reporting, with little space for feedback and dialogue. Despite the enormous amount of information companies publish on the web, many of these sustainability ‘leaders’ fail to effectively meet the needs of their audiences.”

Top 10 ‘leaders’ in online CSR communications
Eni, with 84.5 points out of a maximum of 100, won a comfortable first place in the CSR Online Awards thanks to the wealth of information it presents in the sustainability section of its website. Alongside commitments and policies, Eni provides hard facts about its operations, plus case studies and future targets. The company also dedicates ample space to results achieved.
UBS took second position with 66.5 points while Royal Dutch Shell’s 63.5 points were enough to secure third place. Only half a point separated fourth-placed Rio Tinto (62) and two companies tied for fifth, BHP Billiton and Tesco (61.5). Adidas, ANZ Banking Group, Bayer and Kingfisher (61) were close behind in joint seventh place. (See page 6)

Top 10 CSR Online Awards 2009 – ‘Global Leaders’
1. Eni (84.5 points)
2. UBS (66.5)
3. Royal Dutch Shell (63.5)
4. Rio Tinto (62)
5= BHP Billiton (61.5)
5= Tesco (61.5)
7= Adidas (61)
7= ANZ Banking Group (61)
7= Bayer (61)
7= Kingfisher (61)

Results by industry
1. Basic materials (55.8 points average)
2. Utilities (55.6)
3. Industrials (53.1)

Results by region
1. UK (53.5 average)
2. Rest of Europe (51.8)
3. Americas (43.6)
4. Asia (43.4)

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