Idc: la crisi fa calare le vendite di security appliance in Europa

Nel suo Western European Quarterly Security Appliance Tracker, Idc afferma che il fatturato alla produzione delle appliance di sicurezza vendute alle aziende dell’Europa Occidentale nel secondo trimestre 2009 è calato del 9,6% anno su anno, fino a raggiungere un valore di 390 milioni di dollari. In volumi, la contrazione ha raggiunto addirittura il 17,9%. Secondo Idc, la crisi economica porta le aziende a ragionare in un’ottica di lungo termine e a cercare come ottenere di più con meno con i loro investimenti in sicurezza It. Qui di seguito il testo dell’abstract diffuso da Idc.

Pubblicato il 07 Ott 2009

Idc Reports First Year-on-Year Revenue Decline in the Western European Security Appliance Market as Organizations Rethink Security Investments. LONDON, September 18, 2009 — According to Idc's Western European Quarterly Security Appliance Tracker, factory revenue for the Western European security appliance market reached $390 million in 2009, a 9.6% decrease over the same quarter a year ago. Shipments also decreased by 17.9% over last year's second quarter, with 127,829 units shipped. "For the first time since Idc started tracking security appliances in 2002, the Western European market is showing negative annual growth. However, this decrease is mainly due to the very healthy results that the security appliance market enjoyed in 2008, and has to be put into context" said Romain Fouchereau, research analyst at Idc. "Economic conditions are difficult, and organizations are thinking in the long term, and about how to get 'more with less' with their IT security investments". Idc believes that the second half of 2009 will see a boost in the market again. The firewall/Vpn market represented $84.79 million in 2Q09, a 20% decrease over last year's second quarter. The dedicated firewall/Vpn market is becoming more mature in Western Europe and sees strong competition from unified security solutions. This quarter's results are on par with 1Q09, with 3.8% revenue growth. Cisco remained the number 1 vendor in the segment, followed by Juniper Networks and Nokia. Utm represented the largest market of the tracked security appliances, with total revenue of $113 million in 2009, corresponding to a 0.6% decrease over 2008. During this time of economic uncertainty, Utm vendors should do relatively well due to the integrated solutions offered by Utm appliances; customers will want more for less from the vendors. Fortinet was the market leader, followed by WatchGuard and Juniper. Intrusion prevention appliances (IPS) decreased by 22.5% over last year's second quarter, representing a $66.15 million market. Ips growth is driven by compliance, and particularly Pci in Europe, and Idc believes that with more and more compliance issues coming to Europe, Ips market growth will resume during the second half of 2009. Cisco was market leader, followed by McAfee, and Ibm-Iss. Content management appliance revenue was the only workload with positive growth this quarter, at 12.2% year on year, reaching $68.97 million in 2009. The messaging security and Web security segments of Scm are following the same evolution as the threat management market, from software to appliance form factor. Given the fact that security appliances can lower costs, ease administrative overheads, facilitate management, consolidate support, scale efficiently, and integrate multiple security technologies into a single platform, their success is not surprising in the Scm market. Cisco remained the number 1 vendor in the content management appliance segment and the messaging and Web security subcategories, while McAfee dominates the Web and messaging subcategory. In the overall content management segment, Secure Computing came second, followed by Barracuda. The Vpn appliance market reached $55.07 million in 2Q09, a 5.8% decrease over 2Q08. With the increasing number of remote workers, but also heightened threats and pandemic fear, Idc believes that the Vpn market will grow over the second half of 2009. Nokia was market leader, followed by Juniper and Check Point coming third in place. Idc's Quarterly Security Appliance Tracker offers the ability to quickly and effectively respond to today's dynamic security server appliance market by keeping pace with evolving functionality and the rapid deployment of new models competing in the marketplace. The product provides insight into customer trends by delivering geography-specific product line and vendor market share information in an easy-to-use product interface, enabling quick table customization for business planning activities.

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